A Lazy Sequence

All articles about Pelgrane_press



The Yellow King Role-Playing Game

A review of sorts of The Yellow King Roleplaying Game. If you have never played a tabletop role-playing game but been curious, check this game out.


The Dracula Dossier

First thoughts, and a reading order, for The Dracula Dossier for Night‘s Black Agents




Night's Black Agents: Vampires

A worked example of an alien vampire type for the spy-thriller role-playing game Night's Black Agents by Kenneth Hite.

Night's Black Agents

A review of vampire spy-thriller role-playing game Night's Black Agents by Kenneth Hite.


The Apocalypse Machine

A review of The Apocalypse Machine, Graham Walmsley's post apocalypse setting toolkit for Trail of Cthulhu.

The Book of the Smoke

A review of Pelgrane Press's companion to the campaign frame The Bookhounds of London for players and keepers.

Bookhounds of London

A review of Bookhounds of London, a campaign frame for Trail of Cthulhu by Kenneth Hite.