A Lazy Sequence

My 2021 in Tabletop RPGs, and looking ahead to 2022

2021 was a good year for tabletop games. My regular local group has continued the Burning Wheel game we started back in 2020, which makes it the longest running game we have played in nearly a decade.

Now that we are a significant number of hours at the table with the game, I’m getting a clearer sense of how the system is working for all the players at the table, and we have a spread from accepting but not enthused, too invested. Nobody else in the group is offering games at the moment so we play what I want to run. I cannot overstate how valuable the ability to arrive at the table having only done a minimum of prep for the session has been, and Burning Wheel has delivered there. One player has asked for a little more simple “kicking down the door” fun, so one change I’m making this year is trying to incorporate more of that into the game.

The Indie Game Reading Club’s now annual online convention ran for a second time, and unlike the first time round, I overcame my impostor syndrome and signed up for two games: A one shot of Burning Wheel, and what has turned into three sessions of an excellent Torchbearer adventure, both with folks who are very experienced with these games, which was a real privilege. Big thanks to Dave Turner for running the Torchbearer game, and his support in onboarding a new player.

My goals for this year are modest. Either we continue playing this Burning Wheel game for the whole year, or I try to wrap it up properly at a sensible stopping point. If we do wrap it up, I have three contenders for a followup:

Finally, with the combination supply chain issues, difficulty and expense of shipping to New Zealand, and a shelf of full of games, I don’t anticipate buying any new games for the foreseeable future. I’m at a place with my gaming where I’d rather dig deeper on the games I’ve already got than speculate on potential new ones.

22 January 2022