What The Rulebook Didn’t Include: Gumshoe
Two articles about Gumshoe I wrote for the Indie Game Reading Club.
Two articles about Gumshoe I wrote for the Indie Game Reading Club.
A rule variant for Gumshoe to make drives more significant.
An overview of character mechanics that need to be resolved when adapting Trail of Cthulhu to use Pushes from the Yellow King RPG.
A look at the math and narrative ramifications of spending antagonist pool points in the Gumshoe RPG systems.
This is the first post in a series looking at the Gumshoe role-playing game system.
Rule clarification for Fall of Delta Green
With two great marquee Cthulhu role-playing games available, how do you decide which is right choice for your game?
Notes on running one of the best published adventures for Trail of Cthulhu, a second time.
An assortment of thoughts about Shadows Over Filmland for the Trail of Cthulhu RPG.
A worked example of an alien vampire type for the spy-thriller role-playing game Night's Black Agents by Kenneth Hite.
A review of vampire spy-thriller role-playing game Night's Black Agents by Kenneth Hite.