A Lazy Sequence

Taking another swing at replacing git

It’s been a while since I thought about version control tools. Mercurial has been decent for my personal projects, but the lack of interoperability with the rest of the git using world has been a drag. The hg-git bridge is a clever bodge, but I ultimately abandoned it. Personal stuff stayed in Mercurial and had a nice UI. Everything else stayed in git.

Better, but still unsatisfying.

However, over the past weekend Matt put me onto jj / Jujutsu, and Steve Klabnik’s (in-progress) tutorial. For the first time in a long time I’m cautiously optimistic that we will see the end of the git era. The combination of first-class interoperability with git, and a thoughtfully designed user interface—that takes some of the best ideas for Mercurial—is encouraging, and make this viable in a way that previous alternatives have not been.

18 July 2024