Announcing: Manticore 0.5-beta1
It has been a long time between updates but I finally have a new release of Manticore, my encounter generation app for the 13th Age role-playing game.
While the majority of the changes are developer niceties, there are a few features that should make it easier to use for everyone:
- Grouped encounters. This is biggest feature of this release. When multiple encounters produce the same monsters with just different numbers they are now grouped together and only the first is shown with a variations link to show all the other generated breakdowns. This is a massive win for quickly skimming the results.
- Paginated results. This one has been a common request from many people.
- Party information is now set with sliders rather than fussing with tiny input boxes. Should be easier for those of you who use the app on their phones.
- Party information is remembered between uses of the app.
There are two changes to the generation algorithm now too:
- Encounters never include more than 7 types of monster now. In the future this may become a setting you can tweak for your own purpose.
- Two types of monster, dragons, and master vampires are now considered 'territorial' by the algorithm. These monsters are apex predators and never appear in an encounter with another territorial monster. I think this idea might have been swiped from D&D 5e.
For those of you who care about the technical details, I've ported the whole UI to use ReactJS which should make it easier to build new UI. The second is its now using web workers behind the scenes for data access and for generating the results, so the UI should not lock up briefly when you hit the generate button.
Questions, bug reports, comments, and feature requests most welcome. The issue tracker is on the project's GitHub issue tracker.